16 Dishes – Saturday, 14 September 2024

16 Dishes – Saturday, 14 September 2024

“Viva Italian” 1.Carpaccio Thin sliced beef marinated according to an Old Italian recipe 2. Verdure miste grigliate Grilled mixed vegetables marinated with olive oil and sea salt 3.Prosciutto e Melone Traditional ham and melon 4.Carne di maiale Tonnato Thinly sliced roasted pork with a tuna mayonnaise 5.Insalata Caprese Thin sliced…



Enjoy your breakfast, lunch or dinner in our restaurant “Poseidon’s Wine Cellar”, or order room service.

Close to the beach

Close to the beach

The famous Jomtien Beach is just a short stroll away. Have a drink or a bite, while watching the boys play volleyball. Or even better… join them!Of course, you can also just relax, have a swim or listen to your favourite music.Whatever you choose to do, you will always enjoy…



You are just a short stroll away from a vibrant night out.